1. Philosophy
“Philosophy begins with wonder.” - Aristotle

Philosophy is the study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind and language. It involves critical analysis and rational argument to explore concepts that underlie human thought, society and the natural world. Philosophers seek to understand and clarify the nature of reality, truth, ethics, consciousness, and other abstract topics, often questioning assumptions and beliefs in the process.
Philosophy is traditionally divided into several branches:
Metaphysics: The study of the nature of reality, existence, and the universe. It deals with questions like "What is the nature of being?" or "What is the relationship between mind and matter?"
Epistemology: The study of knowledge—its limits, sources, and validity. It addresses questions such as "What can we know?" and "How do we know what we know?"
Ethics: The study of moral principles and how individuals should act. It explores questions of right and wrong, virtue, justice and the good life.
Logic: The study of reasoning and argumentation. It involves examining the structure of arguments to determine whether they are valid and sound.
Aesthetics: The study of beauty, art and taste. It deals with questions like "What is beauty?" and "What makes something art?"
Political Philosophy: The study of government, rights, justice and the role of individuals in society.
Philosophy encourages questioning, reflection and dialogue, aiming to deepen understanding of life's most profound issues and challenge the assumptions that govern our thinking.