4. Bin your buts.
But nothing! No excuses. No procrastination. Just do it.
Yes, but…
But what?
But, you’re not the sort of person who achieves a successful, fulfilling life?
But, you don’t have what it takes to become that sort of person?
But, you’re not smart enough, talented enough, lucky enough?
But, you don’t have the time or the money to invest in your personal development?
But, your family, friends and colleagues won’t understand and will resist your attempts to implement change in your life?
But, but, but…
Here’s your fourth clue: bin your buts! They are excuses, based on mistaken beliefs and reinforced by other people’s opinions and expectations of you. What if I told you that you can take control of your life, banishing your mistaken beliefs and shrugging off the expectations of others?
Yes, but…
No buts! As Barack Obama said, “yes you can.”