5. Take responsibility.
This is your life.

You must not forget that you live in the real world and that your dreams of being a billionaire, owning a private island, travelling the world on your executive jet or your luxury superyacht, rubbing shoulders with the wealthy and powerful may be just that: dreams. You’re going to discover that it’s not necessary to have these things in order to live a successful, fulfilling life.
Dreams such as that one are products of the world we live in, in which success is measured in terms of material wealth and status. Sadly, possessing great wealth, power and influence doesn’t automatically bring fulfilment. There are plenty of miserable billionaires in this world, ceaselessly driven to acquire more, and more, and yet more, and never finding peace. Their mantra, “greed is good, might is right and devil take the hindmost,” is not a recipe for a good life.
Not everyone can achieve extraordinary material success. More to the point, not everyone wants to. Still more to the point, great material success is not even necessary for most of us to feel satisfied and fulfilled in our lives.
On your quest for personal development, you will define what success looks like to you. This is your life! The only person who can say what your best life looks like is you. Your Coach will help you to discover your personal vision for your life. You’ll know your greatest life vision when you see it; it’ll be big, ambitious, audacious and probably a bit scary. It will excite you and it will challenge you in ways you’ve never been challenged before. In achieving it you’ll have to confront and overcome many things that have limited you and held you back in your life so far. You’ll have to get well and truly out of your comfort zone.
Here’s your fifth clue: your Coach is not here to fix you or to solve all your problems for you. Any fixing or problem solving will be up to you. Your Coach will be your guide, pointing the way, asking thought-provoking questions, holding you to account for maintaining your commitment to your own success, and supporting and encouraging you at every step of the way. But in the end, achieving success is your responsibility.