8. Opportunity Knocks.
Always keep one eye open for opportunities that life brings you. Just don't get distracted by the next shiny thing.

It's been my experience, both in my own life and in my observations of the progress of my Clients, that when you start to move out of being stuck and you take action to achieve your goals, life will conspire with you to bring you new opportunities. Sometimes, those opportunities will be things that you had never considered, but will turn out to be even better than the objective that you had set for yourself.
Clue number eight is to be on the lookout for these opportunities, but never to allow yourself to be distracted by the next shiny thing that comes along. It pays to check out any opportunities that come your way, but don’t abandon your initial objective or change direction until you are completely certain that the new thing really is right for you. Your Coach will help you to assess opportunities and to decide what to do with them.